Speech and facial expression analysis

Ambulanzpartner offers digital speech and facial expression analysis via the ALS app in a model project. The analysis of speech and facial expressions in ALS is useful because the speech and facial muscles are affected in the course of the disease. The data is of great interest for the treatment of ALS. In the future, the analysis of speech and facial expressions could be used to assess the therapeutic effectiveness of medications and other treatment procedures.

How does speech and facial expression capture work via the ALS app?

Recording speech and facial expressions via the ALS app takes about 5 to 10 minutes per session. The analysis software provides a short, standardised programme with questions and answers, voice and reading exercises and free speech. While speaking, the camera and microphone of the smartphone record the movements of the facial muscles. The programme compares the changes in speech and facial expressions between sessions. For each change, there is an assessment of how severe the impairment is.

ALS-App: Speech and facial expression analysis

ALS-App Widget zur Sprach- und Mimikerfassung

Only for participants in the model project for speech and facial expression recording

The technical method is being established in a model project with a small group of ALS patients. Only for these users is access to speech and facial expression capture displayed on the start page of the ALS app

ALS-App Sprach- und Mimikerkennung

Speech and facial expression programme via the ALS app

A special protocol for people with ALS guides them through the speech and facial expression programme.