Notification of the need for supply of aids and medicines

The need for an aid can be communicated to your case management via the ALS app. For this purpose, a supply request with several categories from breathing aids to transfer aids is available in the ALS app. For example, the need for aids for the living environment, a communication aid or care aids can be communicated via the app and the supply can be initiated in this way. After you have communicated your need via the app, you will be contacted by your case managers to plan the next steps for the provision of an aid.

Notification of supply needs for medicines

If you inform us in a supply request via the ALS app that you need a neurological medication, your case managers will be notified immediately. They will take care of your supply with a new or an existing medication. In addition, the ALS app also offers the option of submitting the consultation requirement for a neurological medication. You will then be contacted and advised by a pharmacy specialising in ALS at the earliest possible time.

ALS-App: Notification of the need for supply

Neue Versorgungsanfrage Hilfsmittel

Communicate the need for medical aids

Via the function "New supply request for aids" on the page Supply, users can inform their case managers about the need for aids.

ALS-App Versorgungsanfrage Medikation

Communicate supply needs for medicines

If the user wants to communicate his need for a medication to his case managers, the required medication can be submitted via the function "New supply request medication" on the Supply page.

ALS-App Versorgungsanfrage Medikation Zusammenfassung

Send required care to case management

The notification of need - here using the example of a new medication - is sent to the case management. After sending, the case management contacts the user and takes care of the supply

My supply of assistive devices

The function "My aids" on the page Supply offers an overview of the current and past supply with aids. In the detailed description of an individual aid, you can see the processing status of the supply process and which medical supply store supplies the aid. A filter function offers the possibility to filter all aids according to the status of the supply process, the aid category and the date of the most recent supply process.

ALS-App: My supply of assistive devices

Neue Versorgungsanfrage Hilfsmittel

Overview "My tools

On the Care page you will find the overview "My aids". In this overview, all aids that have been coordinated via your case management are displayed

ALS-App Übersicht meine Hilfsmittel

Overview of the state of supply

On the page "My aids" you can get an overview of the processing status of your aids, which are coordinated by your case management.

ALS-App Details Hilfsmittelprozess

Details of an aid supply

The "My aids" page takes you to the details view of a medical aid. In the details, the processing status of the fitting and the supplying medical supply store are displayed, among other things.